Sheila and I are studying with about 500 fired-up church leaders. These guys are pros.
Jack Hayford is here. He founded Church on the Way. Want to know who else is here? Joel Hunter (Norhtland Church Distributed), Kay Arthur (Precept Bible Study), Vonette Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ), Avery Willis (Director of the International Orality Network), Rory Alec (God TV), MIke Bickle (International House of Prayer), Loren Cunningham (Founder of Youth With a Mission) and John Dawson (YWAM & The International Reconciliation Coalition), Steve Douglass (President of Campus Crusade for Christ), Paul Eshleman (Founder of The JESUS Project), Bobby Welch (former President of the Southern Baptist Convention), Paul Fleischmann (President of the National Network of Youth Ministries) and Luis Palau (Preached face-to-face to more than 25 million people). My sister is here too; she is Becky Hunter (President of the Global Pastor's Wives Network). I just listen and take a lot of notes.
I took some photos. My buddy Vernon Rainwater leads the worship. Here is Northland's new auditorium and platform. Pretty cool.
All these people have been hitting it hard for decades; now we're praying the Gospel will be presented to every person on the planet by 2025. Quite a goal, considering there are 7,000 living languages in the world and only 500 have a translation of the Bible.
At appears that after we help Raj and our church planters in India reach the people of Tamilnadu, there may still be some work for us to do.