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March 21, 2008


Phillip McCart

I loved and completely agreed with this post. I have one curious question. Can you give your thoughts in a similar fashion to the "immature" church? Thanks. I'm really enjoying your thoughts.

Becky Hunter

Amen! --Awesome definition of a mature church. Your brain is incredible. How does a turkey in a blizzard elicit such a profound comment about the church? If I saw a turkey in a blizzard, I would likely blog something like, "Wow! I saw a turkey in a blizzard today!"

Fred McKinnon

I would've never thought of defining the "mature" church that way ... but what an eye-opening revelation! Thanks for putting that in a way that's so easy to understand!

For the Kingdom,
Fred McKinnon, Worship Director
St. Simons Community Church



Good thoughts in general, just be careful about applying it too broadly. I would say that at least in common usage, the word "maturity" applied to a human being is more than the physical ability to reproduce.

-Larry Saunders, DeMotte UMC



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