GCC is making changes.
Western Culture is changing. America is changing. We are changing too.
We're not changing direction (we're still following Jesus).
We're not changing our mission, vision or values.
We're changing our methods as we follow The Master.
Continuing an effective ministry in this culture means we need to shift gears. That's what we're doing.
More than two decades ago Sheila and I started this church in a vastly different context. People coming to church services (to explore Christianity) wanted information. Curious about spiritual realities, they came more for the facts than the feelings. Their preference for gathering data outpaced their interest in an integrated spirituality.
That has changed.
Today, only 17% of American churches are growing, and less than one fourth of those are growing through "conversions." (REV Magazine says, "The rest are merely 'shuffling sheep.'")
In spite of that, 78% of unchurched adults would be willing to listen as someone shares their spiritual beliefs (this according to Ed Stetzer of LIfeWay Research).
A new day has dawned. Spiritual longing has gripped Western culture. We live in a generation of deep spiritual longing. Our underlying hunger has surfaced. America's soul-craving has become a driving force. This historic cultural shift mandates our intentional focused alignment between ministry strategies, leadership, worship and culture.
In God's Providence, GCC has responsibility today: in our culture, in our context, in our generation. Jesus calls us to follow Him here and now. He calls us to do the will of God in our own generation. That is what we've done for 22 years. That is what we'll keep doing.
Acts 13:36 - "After David had done the will of God in his own generation, he died and was buried with his ancestors..."
(Watch "Change is Good" and "Count Me In" for specifics on our upcoming changes.)
I'm thinking I'm going to start carrying my Bible to church on the weekend.
Posted by: Jim Ruth | August 12, 2008 at 04:33 PM