Bill Dinsmore is the Director of Indiana's SpringHill Camp. When I met him my oldest daughter (Amber Cox) took my camera and snapped this photo. I like Bill. I like everyone who has hair like me.
If your child has completed Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade this summer, they are in for a great adventure. Granger's Day Camp is open to all children in that age range.
Did you get that?
You don't have to go to GCC to register your child for this day camp experience, so if you do go to GCC and you want your child involved, you better register them quickly! I'm confident this camp will fill up fast.
You bet! It's right here in Michiana!
Reasonably priced?
Absolutely! Every day is packed with fun and faith-building activities.
Since the children don't stay overnight, there is significant savings.
Certainly! Your child doesn't have to spend the night away
from you. They get to come home to their own bed every night.
Enriching to your family?
It is! Each evening you get to hear about the adventures
of that day. The stories your child tells each night will fill
your memory bank with wonderful moments you'll cherish
for the rest of your days.
Registration opens today at 6:00 PM!
Isaiah 59:21 - "As for me, this is my promise to them," says the Lord: "My Holy Spirit shall not leave them, and they shall want the good and hate the wrong—they and their children and their children’s children forever."
Ooo...this is very exciting. I've never heard of camp going on the road but I like it!
Posted by: skoutz | January 26, 2009 at 06:27 PM