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January 19, 2009


Gretchan Thompson

This is a great honor. Congratulations to all of you who contribute to the greater cause.

Mark, I have never taken the time to tell you how much I appreciate you. I am not a religious person, per se, but have found great comfort in your presence and the life you lead. My Mother and her perma-friend (Carol Thompson and Paul Schwenk) are regular atendees at GCC. I, along with my sons, have attended GCC on a handful of occassions when we are in town (including every Christmas eve since 2000). Your enthusiasm for doing the right thing is awesome, to say the least. You are the face of what religion should be--people serving each other for one basic reason: because it's the right thing to do. When I listen to you speak, I like to replace the word "Jesus Christ" with "doing the right thing" and remarkably (or perhaps not), it always fits.

Your greatest gift is your genuine passion and enthusiasm, as it's infectious. I have never sat through a service at GCC and not left feeling uplifted and inspired. Thank you so much for sharing your gift with others.

I have a particular passion of my own that matters a great deal to me (one of many, I suppose), and I'm hoping you can help spread the word. My sons were teenagers when I adopted them, and I was 25. Please visit our blog at www.arealfamily.blogspot.com to learn more about us. I am trying to spread the news about the desperate need for parents of older children. We must change the negative stereotypes that continue to plague older child adoptions. Truly, there are no people more beautiful, resilient and strong than children who've managed to find their way without the aid of a secure and stable family. If adversity really does make us stronger, then these kids are the strongest.

I am hoping that you would be willing to sponsor a heart gallery event at GCC and even have a weekend service about the need for older adoptions. I would love to help, as would my children (who don't know I'm volunteering them :)). http://www.indianaheartgallery.org/

Thank you so much for considering this, as these children have been ignored and forgotten about for far too long.

Becky Hunter

Yay! Rob! Kudos on your incredible life of ministry AND on that absolutely awesome family of yours! Blessings from your Florida fans - Becky and Joel

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