Bishop Huie served as Chair of the United Methodist Council of Bishops. She's been bishop of the Texas Conference since 2004.
Effective leaders attract effective leaders. Since Mike Coyner, Indiana's bishop, is a good leader I wasn't surprised that he asked another good leader to speak in his area.
I really like Bishop Huie. I met her during a conference in Houston and when I learned she was going to be speaking to all of Indiana's United Methodist pastors, my expectations for the Indianapolis conference soared. So, after the weekend services I drove to Indy. I wasn't disappointed.
I took some notes as Bishop Huie spoke. I'm passing a few of her leadership thoughts along to you. Enjoy.
"The mission of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world."
"You can change structures, plans and systems, but the hardest thing to change is us."
"This is an interesting paradox: You can't impose 'mission' from the top down. Though 'mission' can be claimed from the top down, it must be owned from the bottom up."
"Purpose without alignment of the structure, and budget, is just playing with words. Methodists historically love to play with 'structure.' The hardest work is the realignment of 'budget.' Don't ask, 'Is this good?' Instead ask, 'Does the expense of this budgeted line-item help us accomplish the purpose God has given us?'"
"Minimizing structure is a good thing. Too many things in the older structure are regulatory. Unintentionally, we have created a culture of 'No.'"
"Try to keep focused on the purpose. Expect resistance. Learn from it. Adapt. Change is hardest for the individuals involved."
"Work with the 20% who are ready."
"It is not possible to over-communicate, but it is possible to be unfocused in your communication."
"Trust is everything."
"When we think we have arrived, we've only started."
"Christian ministry is rooted in the heart of God. It grows and matures in the form of Christ. It brings forth fruit by the power of the Holy Spirit."
"We need to create environments where 'accountability is supported,' and we offer 'support that is accountable.'"
"We should develop flat communications models."
Romans 12:8 - If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously.
Thanks for modeling a "teachable" spirit! It was good to sit with you at this gathering and catch up a bit. I appreciate the way you are willing to take notes on others - and you picked up some things that I missed here so thanks for sharing your notes. I've watched you do this over the years and you have been a good example to me of being "teachable" as a leader! Thanks for teaching me again!
And I mean it, you are the best photographer I know! If this minsitry gig gets old - you could make a living in pictures!
Press on!
Posted by: Stan Buck | April 22, 2009 at 12:12 AM
I also Appreciate your observant style, a leader who is listening as much as he is imparting is rare and very appreciated / needed.
Keep up the good work
Posted by: An Observer | April 22, 2009 at 08:49 AM