Yesterday as the sun was setting we began a round of miniature golf. It was over the course of the next three hours that I learned three important facts - rules to live by, if you will...
1. The recommended maximum group size of four is a very good idea. We played with fifteen in our group, and five of them weren't ten years old.
2. Grouping more than the recommended number of golfers in your group may result in extended play time; we finished only nine holes in three hours.
3. Hydration matters to children. No really. The setting sun apparently triggers their desperate need for soda. Because it is impossible to continue play without slaking their thirst, I recommend you give in and load them up with sugar. This is especially satisfying if the children are not yours. That way you can put them in someone else's car, strap them down in seat belts and send them on to their next adventure with their own parents and siblings.
After nine holes of putt-putt, I'm ready to finish the back nine...
Next year...
Or the year after that...maybe.
It'll be awesome.
Psalm 90:4 - Patience! You've got all the time in the world—whether a thousand years or a day, it's all the same to you.
Back nine, next got it! Can't wait!
PS That means we start on the hole that's right beside the soda machine!
Posted by: Becky Hunter | April 30, 2009 at 06:37 AM
I am going to log all of these insites under "Beesonisms" for inclusion in your book as an extra bonus appendix.
Posted by: Ginny | April 30, 2009 at 09:47 AM
Too funny.
Posted by: Georgia Fawcett | April 30, 2009 at 01:54 PM