With every seat sold out and expectations high, we gathered last night to worship Jesus with some of the Hillsong London musicians. It was awesome.
I'm grateful to be serving Christ beside the team at GCC. Volunteers and staff worked side-by-side to offer our community a very special evening, filled with celebration and praise. Thanks for all you did to bring Michiana another marvelous worship opportunity.
Jason Miller leveraged some relational capital to bring Hillsong to us. He spent a couple of weeks in London with Hillsong's worship team. It was through Jason's contacts that we were able to make this happen, and offer our community this night of worship. Jason did a good thing for all of us, don't you think?
Mark 5:6 - When he saw Jesus a long way off, he ran and bowed in worship before him...
I wish I could have been there! So awesome!
Posted by: Amber Cox | April 22, 2009 at 10:15 AM
This is just one of the many great things Jason has done for us at GCC. I love that guy. Loved the worship with Hillsong too.
Posted by: Brian Warrell | April 22, 2009 at 05:08 PM
Posted by: GREG BLACK | April 22, 2009 at 08:42 PM