Who knew?
On the day Christians celebrate the Prince of Peace riding into Jerusalem, North Korea does a product demonstration for potential buyers of nuclear weapon delivery systems - with free advertising from the American Press. This week, the cover of Newsweek magazine proclaims - in the bold shape of a cross - "The Decline and Fall of Christian America."
The world is watching. I can't help but wonder what the people of the world see.
The One riding into Jerusalem was hailed as king, but who guessed by week's end He would rise from the grave?
But will the world see Jesus this week?
Will the world see Love, Forgiveness and Hope?
Or will the world see no better way than the path of hate, fear and decline?
The world is watching.
What does your life proclaim?
If others do what you do this week, what will the world see?
If others say what you say this week, what will the world hear?
If others emulate your manner, what message will be communicated?
Hope or despair?
Courage or fear?
Confidence or discouragement?
What will your life proclaim during Holy Week?
You get to decide.
John 12:12-13 - On the next day the large crowd who had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took the branches of the palm trees and went out to meet Him, and began to shout, "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord , even the King of Israel."