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April 07, 2009


Johnny Carr

Thanks for sharing this. I have gone public about some things over the internet about my family on blogs I later wished I hadn't because, if it got back to them it could hurt them deeply. Some things are meant for prayer only...

Jeny Johnson

Good Stuff! Honest and oh so true! Thanks for sharing your heart mark! Blessings, Jenny Johnson (Cobb)

Don Ryan

What a wonderful and thoughtful post. Thanks for sharing it.

Rick White

Thanks for an incredible post!

Johnny Carr

This is so well put together I had to read again and again. Very well said Mark...


Reading this over made me think so deeply i am not sure what to say except "I LIKE IT" !

Rick M

Thank you for your words of wisdom, Pastor Mark. This post is just another example of how blessed we are to be a part of your life and ministry.

Kem Meyer

I cried. Thank you for this profound, sensitive and discerning post. Sincerely...

Mark Waltz

One of your best. I hope you preach this soon. Thanks for modeling this post so well.


Great post! Thanks for your words of wisdom. - on a side note...I was looking for a picture of you to show someone today and came across this one of you by the fire place. I know your not, but did you notice it looks like you are smoking? Things some people pick up on!

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