Maribeth is one of the most devoted, determined and gracious women serving Christ in Michiana today. She's served at GCC for years and her leadership is astounding. Her influence is pervasive. She's just remarkable. Period.
She's been a volunteer at the Center for the Homeless for sixteen years. Last year she accepted the Center's Volunteer of the Year Award on behalf of Granger Community Church. Maribeth believes life "is not about how long you live, as much as it is about how you live."
Too few live with Maribeth's passion and purpose. She is on mission. Sheila and I feel honored to work for Jesus beside this great lady. We watched last night as Maribeth leveraged her leadership to raise money for the homeless in Michiana. I think she personally greeted every person at the auction!
She was one of the celebrity dancers, so if you'd like to see someone living on she is!
Proverbs 8:6 - Don't miss a word of this—I'm telling you how to live well, I'm telling you how to live at your best.