Michigan's Turkey Season opened yesterday.
This is the Tom that was standing in front of me this morning - the cold and rainy 2nd day of the 2009 Spring Season.
"Did you shoot it?" you ask.
"Sure did," I answer, "but only with my camera."
Even sopping wet it's still a pretty cool bird, eh?
Genesis 27:5 - ... Esau left to go hunting.
I saw about 15 turkeys in the field by the Granger Lawnmower place this morning. Wonder if they knew it was turkey season?
Posted by: Michelle Wegner | April 21, 2009 at 03:01 PM
That bird is lucky you were hunting and not me. It would have been on the dinner table by now. Your restraint is amazing and your standards are high. Great photo by the way. Full strut is something to behold.
Posted by: Josh Hunter | April 21, 2009 at 11:04 PM
Hey Mark! I saw this picture and had to tell you that I arrived at a retreat center in Colorado Springs yesterday and when I parked my car, I saw what I thought was a statue of a turkey. Who has a statue of a turkey?? So I think nothing of it and get out of my car and take my bag out of the trunk and when I turn around, it's standing there looking at me. I won't lie, it chased me for a minute before I said loudly, "holy cow that's a large turkey!" Then, as he was waddling away, because he was HUGE, I thought, "you know, turkey, you wouldn't have a chance if Mark Beeson was here!"
If the state of California ever opens season on Mountain Lions, you are my first call. We've got a few wandering around that I'd like to see disappear!
Posted by: katie holt | April 22, 2009 at 12:30 PM
this season use the properly tools to ensure the turkey's meat quality
Posted by: archery hunting equipment | March 11, 2010 at 08:23 AM