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April 18, 2009



Ver good sermon , still thinking about it.


Looking / Listening


I wanted to thank God, for using you to speak to us this weekend. I came into the service feeling just a little “lost” I prayed “God HELP ME” hear words that guide me today” I then listened hard for some words from God during the sermon. I have to admit when you went to the Shot-put story I was very entertained, but thought how is this going to help me? Then you spoke about “Posers” I have been there myself, I have wanted to be seen, liked etc. you also talked about Having friends, real friends not just the cyber friends, (so this is probably not the medium “ A Web blog” to communicate with you in but I know no other way at this time). I have so much more to say and may post some more thoughts soon but I wanted to say thanks for really good preaching of God’s words. I know he spoke to me now just to live it out and that’s on me… thanks again God, for using Mark Beeson.

Still searching, but seeing the prize……..

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