- photo from the Hunter Family
Joel Hunter is my sister's husband; he's my brother-in-law.
Joel amazes me. I'm inspired by his willingness to serve Jesus in circumstances that would overwhelm most Christians. God has prepared him for the tasks before him, but I'm still amazed when I consider the burden of responsibility he carries. I love Joel and continually strive to serve him. One way I do that is through prayer. I pray for him - a lot.
As I pray for him I wonder, "What would I say if I was there? What would I do if I was the one called upon in that moment? What counsel would I give in such a time as this? If I was praying with the President, how would I pray?" All those questions prompt me to pray more.
Joel is an evangelical and he serves as Sr. Pastor of Northland Church - Distributed in Orlando. (More than 18,000 people attended Northland's Easter Services last weekend.) He was recently appointed to the president's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
Among other things, his proximity to President Obama makes our family conversations interesting.
"Hey Mark, what'd you do today?"
"Me? I filled the bird feeders. How 'bout you? What'd you do?"
"I went to the White House for some meetings."
"I had some meetings in DC."
"What'd you talk about?"
"You're on a 'need-to-know-basis,' and you don't need to know."
"Oh, I get it. Keep me in the dark so I have the protection of plausible deniability. If I don't know anything, it's better. Thanks man. Thanks for not telling me anything."
"No problem."
Since you may not know Joel, you'll be comforted by my sister's comment in the Orlando Sentinel:
"But to those who fear the liberal and charismatic president will transform the church leader from Longwood, the pastor's wife notes firmly: 'What makes you think that if Joel Hunter and Barack Obama were in a room that Joel Hunter would be the one to change his mind?'"
You can read the article about my brother-in-law in the Orlando Sentinel here.
God intends for Joel to speak to the powerful....and I'm honored to serve him, pray for him and encourage him along the way.
Daniel 10:17-18 - I am merely your servant. How can I possibly speak with someone so powerful, when I am almost too weak to get my breath?" The angel touched me a second time and said, "Don't be frightened! God thinks highly of you, and he intends this for your good, so be brave and strong."
I love Aunt Becky's quote!! I want to be like her.
Posted by: Amber Cox | April 14, 2009 at 04:40 PM
Aunt Becky is awesome. I want to be like her. :)
Posted by: Michelle Wegner | April 14, 2009 at 09:10 PM
This is Very cool,
God sends people where they can be used. It may be like Jonah in Nineveh, Only "Joel" didn't say no the first time, and have to be taught a lesson by a big fish...
Posted by: R W | April 14, 2009 at 10:14 PM
Go Becky! We're praying for Joel & you!
Jackie (Bennett) Jones
Posted by: Jackie Jones | April 16, 2009 at 07:28 AM
Great post, Great family, Great perspective!
Posted by: DC Curry | April 16, 2009 at 10:35 PM