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April 11, 2009


Amber Cox

These pictures look so awesome! I can't wait to watch the service online this week!
Love you!
Happy Easter!

Jami Kamp

Pastor Mark - with a recent addition, FIVE GENERATIONS of our family enjoyed Easter weekend at GCC. Great Great Grandma celebrated her 82nd birthday (Saturday night) seeing church in a way that I am sure she NEVER would have in her prior 80 years. All while holding her 4 month old little great great grandson. Thank you for helping to lead a church where not only one or two but FIVE generations can worship!


Mark- Easter Service was amazing...even online. Just wanted to say thanks for all have done, are doing and will do. All four of my children have learned and grown while at Camp Adventure with you - thank you being Jesus with skin on. While we have moved, I still think of GCC as my home. It is the place I found Jesus, the place I grew to adore Jesus and the place I found my love for loving on students. I will eternally be gratefull for the 13 years I sat at your feet. While I miss GCC and my church family, I continue to love Jesus and am learning to accept a new church. GCC is the only church I have known, my children grew up there and it is truly Jesus's house. Thank you for your continued service to Him and teaching me what it means to serve him with al your heart, you are truly His hands and feet.
Loving Jesus beside you,
Loretta Crespo

Leonard Heatherly

I find this photo compelling. I would like to do a graphic based on this photo for a revival handbook called "Thy Glory Come". How can get in touch with Dustin Maust?

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