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May 29, 2009



Dear Mr. Tracy's father - I don't know you and I don't know if you even read this blog but if you do may I say something to you. Just from looking at this picture I would like to say, you are a good man. And no doubt, you have been a good father. You have married your daughter off to a good young man, and that says a lot about you. You look very proud in that picture. Proud and happy. And you deserve to be. I just want to say Thank You for raising a daughter, who along with her new husband, will be a contributing member of our society. From reading this blog and just catching a glimpse of Mark Beeson's heart, I truly believe your daughter and new son-in-law are going to be a dynamic couple. Whatever they do with their lives it will some how touch everyone around them. They will work hard to make this world a better place. For all the bad we hear about and all the bad we have to see in our world it gives me hope to know that now there's another couple out there that might just try their best. Thanks to you. You've done your job. Could you have been a better dad? Maybe. Did you make some mistakes along the way? Probably. But as that great theologian Bob Dylan said, "Don't look back." I would like to close with a verse, as Mark Beeson always does: "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2.10. Thank you again sir for doing your job.

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