In the pouring rain I met with scores of guys tonight for Boot Camp at Manowe.
It was horrible. The rain was pounding down; it was a deluge. The tents were soaked and most were leaking. There was more mud every minute. By the time everyone arrived and set up their tents we looked liked drowned rats.
And it was fantastic.
The guys were pumped up and glad to be there. The food was delicious and there was far prepared than we could possibly consume...but I'm sure the guys will work on it throughout the night. Right now they are in a meeting, encouraging each other to be faithful to Christ in all things.
I'm inspired.
Proverbs 27:17 - As iron sharpens iron, so man sharpens his fellow man.
I really miss that type of connection with other men. I would love to be there with you. I think it's time to brainstorm on that idea and get something going with the few guys I've got. Thanks for inspiration. Looking forward to hearing more about how it goes.
Posted by: Stan | May 16, 2009 at 01:19 PM