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June 05, 2009


Becky Hunter

Remarkably you two still look like the class president/captain of the football team and the homecoming queen who graced the halls of Greenfield Central High School. God did an extra measure of awesome when he put you together. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

Amber Cox

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Thank you for the example you set and for showing us everyday what God intended a marriage to look like.

Here's to another 33 years!

Daniel Goepfrich

Congrats, Mark and Sheila - Happy anniversary!

Ron W

Very cool 33 years, We are not far behind you and you two make for an excellent example to many.

Bless your next 33 years..

J Aquila

A beautifully worded post Mark.

Congrats over-and-over to you and Sheila. Can't wait to see you both as grandparents. Praying over you and the rest of the family.

I love all you guys.


I know you and Sheila see the baby as a blessing, but as the years go by I dare say it will be that child whom will view the two of you as a blessing. 33 years!!!! Way to go Sheila:)

joann bennett

You two don't look much different than you did all those years ago in Farmland. You both certainly blessed our family while you were here. Congratulations on 33 years and may God bless you with many many more happy years together. I love you both, Joanjn

Chrissy Michael

Congratulations! You are a good team. You have raised great children and for you good job, you will be getting some awesome Grandchildren. You are going to love your next chapter together. The Michael Family loves ya all.

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