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June 11, 2009



"Her family is not beyond her reach even when they're beyond her touch."

love that line

thanks for the great reminder about the power of prayer

Lisa ~Hemet, CA

Dear Mark, I have been enjoying your blog for about the past 8-10 mos. I look forward to it everyday. I am so inspired and encouraged by your photographs, your insights, your love for your family and the scriptures you share. What a beautiful post today. I have seen my own mother in just such a posture. Thank you for sharing - to God be the glory of it all.

Ron Zimmerman

Mark & Sheila, Congrats on Ruby Dawn She is BEAUTIFUL. Thanks so much for sharing this joy with all of us. Don't spoil her too much.


I saw this picture and tears came to my eyes. Somewhere deep inside I understand Sheila's heart and your words are so true, beyond my touch is not beyond my reach. Powerful, precious words. Thank you.

Rob, Michelle, and the girls

Congradulations from India!! We are so happy for you, Sheila, Amber, Ryan, and of course, Ruby! We can't wait to meet her in person. She is born into an amazing family and an amazing legacy.

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