At an altar of prayer campers knelt and made commitments - some to follow Christ, some to accept forgiveness, some to enter full-time vocational ministry and some to turn from sin. Some simply said, "Yes. God, I'll do what you want, go where you want, say what you want and live as you want."
When your camper gets home, I suggest you do three things:
1. Let them sleep. Let them sleep a lot.
Fatigue is an enemy and they'll be at their best when they have had some rest.
2. Don't tap the brake.
Fight any temptation you may have to "temper" their enthusiasm for Christ. Even if they make bold and unusual statements like, "I'm going to win all my friends to Christ," or "I'm going to start carrying my Bible to school with me." Even then, don't yield to your temptation to suggest they calm down, slow down or lower their expectations. Let them dream. Let them step-up to a new level of devotion and commitment. Let them feel your support - even when they're attempting something that can only happen if Almighty God steps in and makes it so. (Because Almighty God just might!)
3. Say, "That's great," or "That's awesome," a lot.
When they tell you a story about camp, say, "Tell me more about that." When they talk about the steps they took toward Christ, say, "That's wonderful. I'm proud of you." Your encouragement means more to them than mine. Your encouragement means more to them than the encouragement of their camp counselors. Encourage them - and watch them grow!
Thank you for the privilege of serving your children this week at camp. I love them.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 - Encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.
That's the challenge - to stir up the flames that God has lit in their lives. May we always do so - and not do anything to put them out.
Posted by: Patti Harris | June 20, 2009 at 10:17 AM
What an awesome post. We just had our middle school camp week end yesterday, and this will help. I'm looking forward to using this all summer long.
Posted by: John Mulholland | June 20, 2009 at 04:38 PM
Brilliance. Thank you.
Posted by: Melisa Shafer | July 09, 2010 at 10:23 PM