Paintball is new at camp this year. It's an awesome game. The players are covered in armor, protective gear and face shields. The guns are all calibrated for "middle-school-speed" -which is plenty.
This afternoon when the first game began, one little girl (who appeared so sweet and gentle) looked across the range and realized the futility of trying to shoot members of the opposing team. They were more than 100 feet away and as her teammates were lobbing paint-balls across the span, she started looking for an easier target.
Realizing no opposing players were nearby, she stole a glance at the boy next to her. You could see the wheels spinning in her head...."Hmmmmmmmm. He would be easier to hit with a paint-ball than than those kids over there. I'll bet I could hit him on my first shot."
When she realized how much closer her teammates were than the opposing players, she recognized she was in a target-rich environment....and she started blasting away.
That's right. She shot her own teammate.
I love Middle Schoolers.
Psalm 41:9 - My most trusted friend has turned against me, though he ate at my table.
AHGHGHG!? Really? They introduced paint ball this year? It only makes me want to be there even more now. That's so great! Keep taking pictures- Each one you put on has brought a flood of memories back
Posted by: Aaron Beeson | June 16, 2009 at 09:20 AM
Huh. Interesting point. Good story to go with it, too - and kind of hilarious. :)
Posted by: Elle White | June 16, 2009 at 02:25 PM
I would take paint ball over the blob any day(considering that I got hurt that year on it)! Wowee Zowee! My Grandkids are excited to go in July!
Posted by: James Kytta | June 16, 2009 at 04:43 PM
The players are covered in armor, protective gear and face shields.
Posted by: ClubPenguin | June 02, 2011 at 02:23 AM