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June 30, 2009


J Aquila


This post was a huge blessing to me today. I've been struggling lately and this week has already been rough. Your words have resonated with me today, and I wanted you to know that it and another encounter has redirected my vision to higher things. Thank you for your leadership and honesty.


You keep praying and I will keep praying for you.

I've missed reading your posts and I've missed seeing you at church. I hope you were able to put out the fire before your skin felt the flames.

leslie petersen

You're right Mark. When I am praying consistently life makes sense. I love this post! It reminds me to ask myself how in sync am i and am i even getting close to my potential . i love reading your blog, it's very thought provoking. thank you for taking the time...it matters.

David Walters


You could add that you preached in Braselton, GA at The Vine on Sunday during One Prayer. Our congregation was blessed by your message. We had some focus on Christ for the first time, some re-focus on Christ, some dedicated themselves to walk in the light, and all of us marked the moment on Sunday. Thanks for your post and your passion!

Ron Windbigler

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I too needed to hear this, there isn’t a day that has gone by in the last year that I have not asked my wife, "how am I going to do everything I have to do today" Although so much of what I "have to do" is what I want to do, it does still stress me and I needed to be reminded that "God knows the plan he has for me"



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