"What's Going On?"
Kim Stewart sings that Marvin Gaye song this weekend - just before Andy Stanley speaks to us in our OnePrayer series. Kim articulates a good question. It's worth considering.
"What's Going On?"
Many of us are facing uncertain times. Thousands in Michiana have lost their jobs. Thousands more fear they'll lose theirs too. A glace at the news opens a floodgate of concerns; Iran is getting crazy; North Korea is crazy; some of our political leaders are acting crazy. Our kids are growing up in a virtual world of social networks and communities many of us don't understand. The new iPhone came out before we even touched an old one.
"What's Going On?"
In the last week scores of GSM middle-schoolers took big steps toward Christ.
In the last week new babies were born to our church family.
In the last week some good friends moved away.
In the last week parents registered their children for Day Camp at GCC.
In the last week four people in our congregation committed suicide.
All that happened last week...
"What's Going On?"
Is God trustworthy, or not?
Come to one of our services and wrestle with the question. Let Andy Stanley take you on a journey through the Bible. Listen as Andy tells you about Moses and David and Joseph; he'll encourage you to remember God is at work, even when you can't recognize it.
When it appears God is not active in your life, do you still trust Him? Do you trust God in uncertain times? Can you? Will you?
Job 13:15a - Though He slay me, yet will I trust in him.
That was a Very good sermon that Andy put out. We do have a trustworthy GOD!!
Thanks for the reminders
Posted by: R W | June 21, 2009 at 12:56 PM
What lens did you use for this shot? It's breaking my brain! Or was everyone just sitting closer together than usual?
Posted by: Elle White | June 23, 2009 at 11:10 PM