I worship better when I have help.
When talented artists help me extol Christ, I offer more thorough and whole-hearted praise.
When gifted musicians help me confess my sin, I grieve my transgressions more deeply and admit my sin more readily.
When great vocalists sing with me, I find a new gear in my own songs of worship.
Talented artists, offering their gifts to enrich the Body of Christ – the Church – take worship to a new level of corporate praise. That’s true at GCC. That’s true in churches around the world, and that’s true at Camp Adventure.
Your kids are engaged in heart-felt worship and praise every day of camp. Christ-loving, God-honoring leaders are pulling out all the stops to help your kids worship Jesus, and tonight our worship includes a time for decisions. Please pray this evening for everyone taking their next step toward Christ.
God is worthy!
Psalm 95:1-2 - Sing joyful songs to the Lord! Praise the mighty rock where we are safe. Come to worship him with thankful hearts and songs of praise.
Hope last night went well and that you celebrated well. Praying for better weather for you guys down there and for the team's attitude / energy.
Posted by: J Aquila | June 18, 2009 at 09:23 AM