- Photo by Dustin Maust
Tim Stevens joined me 15 years ago. I thought I knew what he could do, and I guess I could say I did know, because he did everything I thought he could - and so much more. From his first moment on staff, Tim began to soar.His capacity is astounding. I admire his devotion to Christ and the Church. I commend and celebrate his great love for his wife, Faith, and their children: Heather, Megan, Hunter and Taylor.
This weekend I asked Tim and Faith to join me in front of the congregation. We cheered for them and prayed over them. It was a very special day. It was a very special moment for me.
I tell young pastors their team's "chemistry" matters. I suggest it's a good thing if you enjoy working with the people closest to you. I also say "capacity" is important. If you can hire people who are capable...do so. "Complementary gifts" bring team success. Unity is not uniformity and you should add people to your team who can do what you can't in ways you'd never imagine. And I tell them "character" is critical. It's a non-negotiable. You can't afford to hire people you can't trust.
Today I'm celebrating 15 years of shared ministry with this great leader.Tim's character is sterling. His gifts complement my own and his capable handling of staff, facilities and operations has proven invaluable. Not only that, but I like Tim. I enjoy doing the work of ministry with this trusted friend.
Happy 15th Anniversary Tim. I'm honored to serve Jesus beside you.
2 Corinthians 8:22b - He's proved his dependability many times over, and carries on as energetically as the day he started.
Way to go for two things:
1) Being a leader who models and honors faithfulness personally and with those you serve with.
2) Being the kind of leader who honors high quality/high capacity people like Tim.
You are a rock...I appreciate you and your leadership.
In Him,
John Jackson
Thriving Churches
Posted by: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=638450734 | September 21, 2009 at 02:22 PM