Your decisions have consequences. We can't choose consequence-free living, but we can choose many of our consequences. Watching kids at Camp Adventure for the last three decades has reinforced that opinion. Our choices matter.
Camp observations...
Chugging a pitcher of red juice is more effective than drinking syrup of Ipecac. If you go to camp a mosquito will bite you. Once there you are merely a part of the food-chain. If you enter the Paintball Arena you'll eventually be "marked." You may even become the target of your own teammate. If you refuse to control yourself someone else will need to control you. Bad behavior elicits a response; so does good behavior. You get to choose the response you prefer. If you weigh 100 pounds and you get "blobbed" by a 250 pound person, you are going to fly high. Choosing to put yourself in the "blob" position has inevitable consequences. If you start down the Slip-n-Slide, your options have diminished; you are going to go down the Slip-n-Slide. All campers are subject to the forces of gravity. No exceptions.
All of us will face consequences surging up from the confluence of our decisions. Some we can expect. Some will surprise us. But either way, our choices today will have an impact on our tomorrows.
So I can't stop thinking about the 342 men and women who decided to give their lives to Jesus this weekend. They've chosen a new direction, a new relationship and a new life in Christ - and there will be consequences.
Pray their love for God will increase, as the consequences of their new life begin to unfold.
1 Peter 4:3-5 - You spent quite long enough in the past living the sort of life that gentiles choose to live, behaving in a debauched way, giving way to your passions, drinking to excess, having wild parties and drunken orgies and sacrilegiously worshiping false gods. So people are taken aback that you no longer hurry off with them to join this flood which is rushing down to ruin, and then abuse you for it. They will have to answer for it before the judge who is to judge the living and the dead.
Posted by: DC Curry | September 25, 2009 at 01:35 PM