For the last two days I've been looking out the window. As the hours have passed, and the world has continued on, I've been prone in bed thinking lofty thoughts like:
- How can I blow my nose this much? I should be completely dehydrated by now.
- I wonder if you can get a shot for this? I wonder why I didn't?
- I should be quarantined. Oh wait, I already am.
- Who gave this dreadful disease to me? What can I do for them?
- I wonder if my head will explode?
- Surely these aren't the only drugs available for this malady...
I hung a bucket under my nose so I could sit up and update my blog. I was getting lonely and determined this to be the best method I could employ for connecting with friends without being blamed for spreading the plague.
Romans 7:24-25a - What a miserable person I am. Who will rescue me from this body that is doomed to die? Thank God! Jesus Christ will rescue me.
Oh no! So sorry you are sick, Mark! Please do stay in bed and get well quick! I'm so glad Sheila is a nurse. Hopefully she is wearing gloves and a mask, though! Praying for you!!!
Posted by: Becky Hunter | September 19, 2009 at 11:39 AM
Awww, Sorry you're still not feeling good dad! I think a walk in the woods might cure you. See you next weekend!
Posted by: Amber Cox | September 19, 2009 at 05:26 PM