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September 23, 2009


Amber Cox

Happy Birthday Daddy! I love you!

joann bennett

Happy Birthday Mark. It blessed me to be reminded by Amber's FB status that today is your birthday. A year ago today Joe went to be with Jesus. You and Sheila have been such a hugh part of our lives. Thank you.

Gene Ort

Happy Birthday Mark, what a great example you have been.

Sandy McDonough

Happy Birthday!!! Hope it's a great one!

Merri DeWinter

Happy Birthday!! I wish you nothing but the best...Thank you for being such a huge blessing to me and my family and all of the lives your words and presence have touched.

Merri DeWinter

Josh Hunter

Happy Birthday!!!!!! You are loved.

Jeanna Miller

Happy Birthday Mark! Thank you for loving your wife well, loving your children well and leading & loving GCC well.

Steve Michael

Happy Birthday Mark! The Lord put you here to lead and what a wonderful job you have done through Him. We Love you, the Michael

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