- Photo by Josh Hunter
Three of my four nephews are pictured here. (The bifurcated ungulate is the deer; all bipeds are nephews.) Left to right: Joel (brilliant ophthalmologist), Buck, Isaac (incredible pastor and leader) and Josh (the managerial/business guru who is the brains behind the towering success of his two brothers).
There are plenty of hard times in life so these brothers schedule time together to share some good times too. Their family time is always good time.
You may wonder how three men from the south are able to hunt together every year in Ohio - where big bucks roam. I'll tell you how. It's because of the outrageous love and generosity of their Uncle Jan. He invites them to join him on his land. He and Aunt MIchelle feed them, house them and create an environment - year after year - where these brothers can reconnect with each other, their family and God. It's good times. Uncle Jan and Aunt Michelle are awesome.
2 Corinthians 1:5 - We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort—we get a full measure of that, too.
Can I just say that this picture is truly Awesome!! I love how serious they all look! It's like an old western! Ha! I love my Family! Good hunting, Hunter boys and great Post dad! Love you all!
Posted by: Angela Keim | November 19, 2009 at 04:45 PM