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November 12, 2009


Richard P.

True words, Mark. Yet at the same time, we’re faced with the fact that the Church has had little reservation in adopting the customs and festival dates of false religions into their own traditions of worship. We’re not ignorant of it - we wink at it, acknowledging each year in newspaper and television stories the fact that many of the practices and traditions involved in the two great holidays come from non-Christian cultures.

How is it much different than someone choosing to embrace the “lingam” of India into Holy, Christian worship or to use the date and practices of the Indian Dussehra Festival to now honor the Risen Christ? Is it simply a matter of sufficient history and popularity that now makes the syncretization acceptable?

This is not to condemn others, question their sincerity or suggest that they are worshipping other gods, but to raise a question. As a Royal Priesthood, called to praise and serve the one and only true God, should we not consider every act in our relationship with Him?

Deuteronomy 12:30) do not fall into the trap of following their customs and worshiping their gods. Do not inquire about their gods, saying, ‘How do these nations worship their gods? I want to follow their example.’

Jim Blechl

Last night, Ron led us in a wonderful bible study. It was so refreshing to open God's word and discover his message in a deeper way. Very powerful, and I can't wait for next week, and am working my way through 1 and 2 Kings.

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