- Photo by DC Curry -
any United Methodists reading this blog?
to help me write a book?
working on a book to help the United Methodist Church. I have no doubt an “open source”
collaboration will produce the best results. If you know a United Methodist ask them to read each Monday’s
post and comment. If you know a
United Methodist pastor or bishop, let them know what’s going on. The more "people of good will” offer
helpful comments, the more help we can offer United Methodists who love the
church and want it to thrive.
been a pastor in the United Methodist Church for 38 years. I love the church
and believe its future can be bright, but not without change. Its current
downward trends are discouraging. Many good people have left and many more are
leaving. The decline is enlightening. Truths about the effectiveness of the current “methods” of
United Methodists are being revealed.
The UMC can’t keep declining as it is in the West, and survive. I want to help the Church, as I’ve
tried to do since I was old enough to know Jesus loved me. So, in addition to everything I’m
already doing to advance the mission God gave the UMC, I’m going to
write this book.
Monday, for the next eight weeks, I’m going to ask a question and you can offer
a “comment” with your answer.
Since I’m busy as it is (and I’m going to add the work writing this
book) I’ll not pretend I’m planning to spend lots of time commenting on the
comments on my blog, but I may
comment on the comments in my book.
My goal here is not consensus. My goal is research.
read all your comments, and you can read what others are saying. It’s wide open and no, you don’t have
to be a United Methodist to comment.
In fact, I hope everyone will answer each of my questions for the next
eight Mondays.
first “Methodist Monday” post is coming on April 5th.
2:2a - Then the LORD said: "Write down the revelation and make it
Great idea! Looking forward to it.
Posted by: Randy | April 01, 2010 at 03:09 PM
Mark- I'm in! You ask for comments....be prepared. I left a 'traditional' UMC to come to Granger....I can tell you first hand what works and what doesn't...especially with the generation that needs to be 'entertained'....My first list:
1. Don't insult the 30 somethings......we need to take steps like the rest of the world.....it is a time in life when we are searching and recovering from the rebellion of our 20's. Encourage us, don't use guilt.
2. Money - The UMC is losing members, which means it needs funding more than ever before....Don't advertise it....we don't want to support something that is dying....we want to be part of a success story.
3. Age doesn't matter....the UMC caters to the 60+ crowd because that is where its gravy train lives. The demographics may favor this stance, but don't count on sustainable growth based upon demographics. Even the 70+ population wants to be part of something that has sustainable energy. Messaging, programming, etc focused on tradition doesn't appeal to the 'next' generation that will bring a confidence in the legacy of UMC....Focus on issues that are relevant to the everyday lives of the 20-40 year olds, and the older crowd will want to be a part of it...primarily because they want to leave a legacy.
4. Let go of tradition. Method works, but make the method relevant.....
I am sure I'll have more....you asked....you received.....never short of an opinion....
Your friend,
Posted by: Chad Barden | April 01, 2010 at 10:35 PM
Mark - I'm glad to see you are doing this - and will be praying for you in the process - as well as offering my comments!
Press on brother! Your leadership is making an impact!
Posted by: Stan Buck | April 02, 2010 at 12:18 AM
I read your blog every day and I'm a UM Pastor! I look forward to Methodist Mondays and will be sure to respond. God bless!!
Posted by: George Reynolds | April 02, 2010 at 08:17 AM
I think this is great, I would like to be part of the conversation and be part of the revitalization of the UMC.
Posted by: Kevin Fox | April 02, 2010 at 11:31 AM
I will be checking it out on Monday. I visited the GCC 2 weeks ago (I live in TX).
Posted by: Cindy | April 02, 2010 at 07:32 PM
Mark -- I will look forward to your posts. As a retired UMC pastor, I hope I can add some insights. Keep pressing on, brother, you are not alone!
Posted by: Dave Eversdyke | April 04, 2010 at 10:17 AM
Sounds like fun? If I am going to stay in (and I am) I might as well do all I can to help. Looking forward to the conversation!
Posted by: Bryan Collier | April 07, 2010 at 09:30 AM
I am a 30 year old UM pastor and excited about the dialogue and what may result from this dialogue. Like you, I am worried about future of the UM church but I am also hopeful that we can change the church to become more relevant to future generations.
Posted by: Gena | April 15, 2010 at 12:29 PM