Wyman Meinzer grew up in Texas and spent years in "The Big Empty" as a predator hunter. When he shifted gears and made his wildlife photography avocation his vocation, the world received a remarkable gift. We got a look, through Wyman's lens, at the beauty, majesty and abundance of Texas. With every shutter press he captures a moment, then he gives it to the rest of us.
I was accepted in Wyman's very first "predator photo safari" group. So, in addition to catching rattlesnakes, I'm learning to call coyotes and bobcats with one of the best predator callers alive. With any luck, I'll end up with some "predator" photos of my own.
Yesterday Wyman made a call for me and I've been practicing. If you haven't seen a coyote or bobcat around your house today, it's because I've called them all to Texas.
Proverbs 22:29a - Observe people who are good at their work; skilled people are always in demand and admired.