Rob and Michelle Wegner have been serving GCC for nearly two decades. When they joined my staff their names were so often mentioned together that many people thought they were one person named "Robin Michelle."
They've been working on a book to clarify our missional strategy and it is finished!
SHARE THE WELL is brilliant. It's a "must read" for every pastor, missionary and church-multiplication-strategist. It explains the essence of GCC's model of church planting, modular missional coaching and innovative community transformation, with brilliant writing and stunning photography.
Every family at GCC should own a copy of this book.
Every pastor in America should own this book.
Everyone longing to participate in a movement that started with a handful of people in Granger, Indiana that has surged to over 120,000 followers of Jesus gathering in 950 churches in Tamil Nadu, India, should own this intriguing compilation of stories, pictures and truth.
Alan Hirsch wrote the forward.
Dustin Maust and Ron Zimmerman took the pictures.
Rob and Michelle (pictured above, sitting near a warming fire) lived the story, wrote it down, and invited each of us into it. They wrote:
"It's something we call Bore Well Church Planting. The concept is simple: plant a church in an otherwise unreached village and then equip and empower that church to become the hub for community development, bringing living water to every area of life. Because if the Kingdom of God comes to a community, it will elevate every single domain of society - health, education, housing, employment, justice, arts, family life and more."
Buy SHARE THE WELL. There is no other book quite like it...and every penny of the purchase price (minus printing and distribution) goes directly into the field, to serve the people of India. Amazing. Merely buying the book helps share the well.
John 4:14-15a - "Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water..."
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I've already purchased 5 copies.
You can buy SHARE THE WELL now; go here.
I had got a dream to make my firm, however I did not earn enough amount of money to do that. Thank goodness my fellow recommended to utilize the business loans. So I used the college loan and made real my old dream.
Posted by: BatesMorgan28 | December 21, 2011 at 07:09 AM