My son-in-law is forming the spiritual life of his family in the community of Christ-followers called "Ada Bible Church." I'm glad. It's a great church. Sheila and I were able to join Amber, Ryan and Ruby for worship at ADA this morning.
Ada is led by Jeff Manion and he's a great pastor. This weekend he delivered a tremendous message. Here's a series of quotes from his sermon.
- "Like a backpack, we carry our way of relating with us everywhere we go. We carry our way of relating all the time, even at church."
- "Philippians 2 says, 'Do everything without complaining or arguing.' I'd give us a strong 'B' in this area. This is not an issue for us. But if our relationships go bad, everything else goes bad."
- "It's a messed up world out there, and we should live differently in the Jesus Community."
- "The distinguishing feature of Jesus-followers was that they loved other Jesus-followers."
- "Ask yourself how well you get along with other Christians. Ask yourself how well you get along with the other people in the Jesus-community."
- "Jesus gave HIS life for us, so he can give HIS life to us, so he can live HIS life through us."
John 13:34 - A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.