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February 28, 2011


Jim Preisig

Hey Mark,

Just preached on this last weekend at the Summit and have an ongoing conversation on my blog (www.jimpreisig.com) regarding technology and tradition. It seems to come down to what is essential vs. what is secondary, at best. Christ was emphatic as to his mission, as articulated in Luke 4:18: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to bring bring Good News…” Everything else secondary. To make anything else primary is a subtle form of idolatry.

The problem is when Christians and churches loose their theological focus, they tend to emphasize and elevate tradition and lose sight of the essential mission.

Jaroslav Pelikan said, “Tradition is the living faith of the dead,
traditionalism is the dead faith of the living."


Mark Beeson

Thanks Jim.
Good word on the topic, and good sourcing for the "tradition" vs "traditionalism" quote. I appreciate it.

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