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February 17, 2011


April Gann

Mark- I love this question. I shared it with the Day Camp team. We're thinking about how we can use it in our ministry as well. Thanks for sharing this!

Jenny Johnson

Thanks for sharing! Marriage for sure is very hard work but oh so worth it! My husband Josh and I are going through the Dave Ramsey course and we were on session two this week. It was so funny because he talks about his kids and what it was like "being Dave Ramsey's kid!" Isn't it interesting how people watch and want to know what it's like to be so and so's kids/wife. One thing I do remember you preaching on and now at 32 wish that I would have implemented was the 10/10/80 plan! You preached about what my parents didn't talk about. Keep doing it! Blessings, Jenny Cobb Johnson

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