Since I was speaking at the Momentum Conference yesterday, Sheila and I were able to swing past Amber's house this morning and join her family for worship at ADA Bible Church. On the way there I turned around and snapped this picture of Ruby. (No worries. Ryan was driving.)
You know that little sound you make when you are delightfully surprised? You open your mouth, form an "O" with your lips and audibly inhale a tiny bit of air. It's what you do when you see something so awesome that you're astonished. The little breath of air makes a slight noise, but it's the raised eyebrows and wonderful expression that communicate your joy.
Well, Ruby has started doing that. She does it every time she notices something delightful.
It's hilarious. She's wonderful.
Revelation 17:6 - Astonished, I rubbed my eyes. I shook my head in wonder. The Angel said, "Does this surprise you?"
This picture makes me smile. How cute can one little girl be? She's blessed to pieces to have you as her grandpa, Mark!
Posted by: Becky Hunter | February 28, 2011 at 06:50 AM