During Jason Miller's brilliant sermon this weekend he said God told him to face the truth, "whatever it costs and wherever it leads." I was moved by his message and began thinking about the courage it takes to live that way. I thought about the kids with whom I'd worshipped all last week, and about the artists and musicians who helped us see ourselves in light of God's truth. I was filled with gratitude because they led us to worship God in spirit and in truth, "whatever it costs and wherever it leads."
Before I rush off to my next responsibility, I want to thank the artists and musicians who gave an entire week of their lives to help us with GSM's camp. They are remarkable people with soaring gifts and amazing talent. It was an honor to serve Jesus beside them.
Here's a glimpse of the five people who took to the stage and led us every time we worshipped together.
Dani Payne has proven herself a dependable, passionate and authentic worship leader, but that's not all. She is a remarkable developer of people, and of the systems that make people successful. Her work with our students has dramatically increased the number of young artists and musicians at GCC. She led a lot of our worship at camp, but it's the coaching she offers our young artists that will mark the world most deeply. Dani was an inspiration and an exemplary witness as she led our kids this week.
Jeff Myers is incredible. He plays more instruments than you have fingers or toes. He creates: medias, logos, videos, photos, music and opportunities for our students to experience the power and presence of God. He does it all with humility and deep respect. He brilliantly covers several bases at once and our students are better because of him. He poured himself into our campers last week. Every person there went deeper faster because of Jeff's creativity and remarkable devotion to Christ. His impact is staggering.
Riley Robbins is a phenom. He loves Jesus and plays drums. He's 18. I was at camp with Riley this week when he opened his mail and received notification that he is accepted in Australia Hillsong's International Leadership College. He played drums at camp all week, and he'll be helping GSM for the rest of this year, but Riley heads to Australia in January. He'll lay his ministry at the feet of Jesus for a 3-year-ministry with Hillsong. I'll really miss him. If God ordains it, he will return to our family at GCC, but whether he stays in Australia or comes back home to us, Riley's drums are going to rock the world.
Trace Rorie led much of our worship at Camp. He is one of the great worship leaders in the country and he leads worship for all of us at GCC. He drove up to SpringHill the same day he returned from a songwriting regimen in Nashville. He's incredible. Trace leads us with deep conviction, great artistry and remarkable skill. All of GCC is blessed by his witness, inspired by his faith and enriched by his love. He is a great man. I resonate with Trace and his artistic devotion. He marked every person at camp with his adoration of Jesus.
When it's all said and done, I want Dustin Maust on the team. No one is better at the creative ministry work we engage. No one wants excellence more than Dustin. No one produces more consistently, relates more graciously, succeeds more frequently or worships more passionately. He's a musician, an artist and a brilliant creative. Our worship flowed and our kids were inspired by Dustin's leadership. He's all that, and much more; he is pure genius.
2 Kings 3:15 - He said, "Now bring me a musician.” Then it happened, when the musician played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him.