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October 11, 2011



Thank You for this, it really touched my heart.I have been struggling the past few weeks and I needed the message in this blog. I am going to reread it, so I can soak in it for a little while longer. :)

Becky Hunter

Awesome point and so well made! Almost like God gave you extraordinary communication gifts --oh wait, He did! (And I so glad He did.)

Mark McClean

Great article Pastor!

I find biographies a great way to inspire courage. A CD I listen to often is...

"Robert E. Lee on Leadership: Executive Lessons in Character, Courage, and Vision".

Being heavily out-manned, out-gunned and out-supplied led Lee to be more aggressive and take more risks rather than less. His generalship style was the bane of Abraham Lincoln's attempts to end the war early. He simply could not find someone who could fight like Lee.

I am enjoying the Experiencing God classes. Walking "The Jesus Way" can be a bit unnerving at times. Listening to brothers and sisters share their walks helps.

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