I've been running fast. Well, not literally. Those who know me understand I'm blessed with a body completely devoid of fast-twitch muscle fiber, so running fast is quite impossible. But I have been busy. In fact, I've been racing along with my mental RPMs at the red line. (That's correct. My brain is faster than my body, proved by the fact that I think about moving a lot faster than I actually move.) It's almost time for Sheila and I to take a short break. Not yet, but it won't be much longer and we'll have a few days to down-shift and read for fun instead of reading for purpose.
Meanwhile, it has occurred to me that when you see pictures I've taken, like the one above, you might think I've become a full-time naturalist and wildlife photographer who pastors and leads the church on-the-side, instead of a full-time pastor/leader who takes pictures from time-to-time. I see how you might think that, but what you don't realize is that while I'm not a full-time naturalist, I am a full-time opportunist. I simply have my camera with me all the time. I always expect God to surprise me and when an opportunity strikes, I take a picture. When you have your camera with you all the time, you can photograph the cool stuff that catches your eye during the serendipities of life.
So, if I'm busy pastoring and leading, how is it that I got this Whitetail picture?
I was driving along a country road, headed to a meeting, when I drove around a curve and glanced into a marsh. I saw this deer standing in the water and I thought, "A deer standing in the water." (I'm sure that's another clue into how my mind works.) I glanced at my rear-view mirror (safety first) and pulled over to the side of the road. I grabbed my camera, crept along the weeds beside the road and made my way back to the opening in the cattails where I'd spied the little deer and took its picture. The entire episode lasted no longer than five minutes and I was back on the road. I arrived at my meeting well before it was scheduled to begin.
(Kinda makes you wonder whether you are ready for the surprises and serendipities God brings your way, doesn't it.)
About 25 years ago, before I'd thought much about such things, I was dressed in full camo and leaving the house for a meeting I wanted to have before going hunting later that day. Sheila said to me, "You'll need to decide if you're going to be a hunter who preaches, or a preacher who hunts." I came back inside and changed clothes. God clarified a long time ago that HIS call on my life is to be a pastor: faithful to my marriage, my family and HIS church. Whatever else I do is secondary, but as I walk The Jesus Way, I don't want to miss the sacred opportunities HE so often delivers when I least expect them. So I expect them all the time.
I may not be fast, but I'm ready.
How about you?
As you experience God today, are you expecting opportunity to strike?
Are you ready?
2 Timothy 4:2b - Be ready at all times.
I really liked this post Dad.
Posted by: Amber Cox | October 27, 2011 at 04:30 PM
GOD just gave me a unique idea. An Idea for a book. A book about you. The title of the book would be. " THE LIFE STORY OF A PASTORS BLOG" all the stuff you ever written or the best of what youve written since youve started blogging.
Posted by: johnny | October 27, 2011 at 08:55 PM
"You'll need to decide if you're going to be a hunter who preaches, or a preacher who hunts." This is why I really respect you Mark! You are candid and transparent about yourself and set your ego aside when faced with the truth. You knew Jesus spoke through your wife and responded to it. We can all, who are married, take a lesson from this. Thanks.
Posted by: James | October 28, 2011 at 08:32 AM