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October 22, 2011



So much truth in this blog. Thanks for saying what I've been praying God would encourage a man to say in so long. Keep it up Mark!


Jim Stephens

Mark, Thanks for sharing your values about family and making it alright for top-levevl leaders to make family and an appreciation for the outdoors a priority. Thanks for sharing your exceptional photos. Thanks for your leadership and example.

Mary Teeter

Thank you for continuing to share your thoughts on the importance of building relationships. Awesome post! Your leadership is amazing.

Tom Rawls

Reading your blog now for over 2 years has enriched my soul; this blog entry is powerful and phrophetic! As a pastor myself it is my joy to see young men and women move on to maturity in Christ. I loved the way you express the power of this truth in this blog! Outstanding Mark - I love the way you write, lead and live! Tom Rawls

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