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October 31, 2011


Justin Moyer

Great post with a great view..... I like it. We have yet to trick or treat with our kids, and I don't think we will start. Thanks!!

Jessica Stemm

Loved what you wrote!! We never trick or treated growing up, and am thankful that my parents taught us that it's ok to be different. Love how all that matters is the heart of a person...Thank you for sharing all you did!!!!

Bill A

This is definitely a tough issue that I struggle with each year. Glad the kids are older now and it's not an issue.

I just try to follow Bill and Ted's advice, "Be excellent to each other." Bashing someone because they choose a different path then mine doesn't seem to follow that.


Thanks Mark for such a bold, truthful and timely call to love well!

Tanya Jones

Agreed! I would add only two points...guarding our children's hearts is a call from God and observe the days (feats) God has asked us to observe, not our own festivals that He says He hates.

Clare Loughrige

Brilliant! Thank you.


I didn't celebrate Halloween.

I'm surprised to realize there are alot of Christians who did as well, and what's even more interesting, who didn't see anything wrong with it.

I do love, though I am surprised at times.

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