My friend Adam Tarwacki took these pictures so we could "mark the moment" when GCC surprised Rob Wegner this weekend. Rob and Michelle have been leading, serving and guiding Granger Community Church for 20 years! For two decades they've loved us, prayed for us and encouraged us along The Jesus Way. It was a high privilege to honor these faithful heroes....and surprising them with an outpouring of gratitude was great fun.
Rob welcomes his beloved Michelle to the platform as all of GCC stands and cheers, celebrating their 20 years of faithful ministry and leadership with us.
Here's a portion of the letter I gave the Wegners this weekend.
"Dear Rob & Michelle,
One thing I’ve learned from reading the Bible is this; the people of God are always blessed when their leaders live with courageous integrity, passionate purpose and loving devotion to God and HIS people. In fact, a congregation blessed by a great leader is so fortunate that the Bible says in 1 Timothy 5:17-18, “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. For Scripture says, “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,” and “The worker deserves his wages.”
You’re certainly not an ox, but you are an incredible worker deserving what the church gives you, “worthy of double honor” and a whole lot more.
This marks a special day. Today we celebrate an extraordinary and wonderful occasion.
For twenty years you have served Jesus faithfully at Granger Community Church. You have stood with us during great moments of celebration. You have lead with a steady hand and trustworthy faith when we’ve endured seasons of trial and disappointment. Through it all, you have been a faithful pastor and a good friend."
I took this picture and we gave it to Rob and Michelle this weekend. It shows them walking hand-in-hand through a wilderness. In this photo they're trekking a wild place. It's printed on metal and ready to hang.
I'm praying it reminds them that God takes us through such places from time-to-time, but as they hold on to each other (and hold on to Jesus) God will carry them through.
Thanks Rob. Thanks Michelle.
Your faithful ministry inspires us all and we're marking our calendars to join with all of GCC at the Granger campus on Friday, August 24th, to celebrate the two decades of ministry you've give us.
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Romans 13:7b - Give respect and honor to those who are in authority.
so great and well deserved!
Posted by: lori c | June 04, 2012 at 06:53 PM
Congradualtions Rob and Michelle on the "Two Decades" of service. Dr. Mayfield sent these special pictures to me and I will save the file for a time to come.
All the Best
Uncle Dave and Aunt Pat
Posted by: Dave Warmelink | August 27, 2012 at 12:28 PM