The weather has changed. Camp temperatures went from 90 degrees at registration to last night's low of 36 degrees. The kids don't care. Neither do I.
My mother once said, "Never judge a day by its weather."
She was brilliant.
The Mighty Gusher Pool
A pause to wave before climbing the hill to the Dining Hall
Solo Challenge Ascent ... 20 feet in the air.
WLIS (pronounced "Willis") - "World's Longest Inflatable Slide."
Zip Line Crazies
Every camper gets to ride horses this week.
The Mighty Gusher
The Mighty Gusher
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Psalm 135:5-7
I, too, give witness to the greatness of God,
our Lord, high above all other gods.
He does just as he pleases—
however, wherever, whenever.
He makes the weather—clouds and thunder,
lightning and rain, wind pouring out of the north.
Oh to be a kid again. They are so blessed!
Posted by: Anna | June 13, 2012 at 01:03 PM
This is absolutely amazing! Thanks so much for sharing your week with us! Praying for you all. Stay warm!
Posted by: Becky Hunter | June 14, 2012 at 06:27 AM
I am so thankful my granddaughter has the opportunity to be there......being a Christian isn't boring it's a blessing.....
Posted by: Pam | June 15, 2012 at 12:14 AM