When I saw this bee it was busy doing the work for which it was made.
What are we busy doing?
What did Jesus "make us" to do?
Aren't we to give a faithful witness to the coming Kingdom of our Lord and Christ? And aren't we to do that "witnessing" by preaching salvation through our King, Jesus Christ?
We point not to ourselves, but to that which is so much greater, and in so doing we bear the message of the Gospel to a world desperately needing the Good News of salvation.
We point away from ourselves; we're witnesses of Christ. It's HIM we proclaim.
We were made for nothing less.
Matthew 28:18-19a - Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples."
Posted by: Ethan Hoinacki | June 11, 2012 at 04:30 PM