Last Friday night we honored Rob Wegner and his precious wife Michelle. They've been leading at Granger Community Church for 20 years. Through seasons of rapid growth they served us; through seasons of grinding and difficult progress they loved us. They deserved a night dedicated to celebrating their ministry, so we gave 'em one.
Sheila and I love the Wegners. I would have enjoyed taking pictures at the party but I was quite busy, so I was thrilled the learn my friend Steve Toepp made his pictures available to me. It's his pictures that follow. I'm thankful for each one.
These pictures will give you a glimpse of Rob's 20th Anniversary.
The party began with the Wegner family seated on the front row, filled with anticipation and wondering what might happen next.
I called Rob and MIchelle to the stage and told them we loved them, appreciated their years of commitment to Jesus, each other and our church family.
When Rob and Michelle were teenagers their pastor inspired and encouraged them. He came on stage to speak with Rob and MIchelle and it was a privilege for all of us to overhear what he said.
When Dan told Rob he was "half way" through his ministry we were sobered. When he went on to encourage Rob "to stay faithful for the second half of his ministry" we all felt the conviction of his words.
Left to Right, Rob was blessed by: Jason Miller, Kem Meyer, Tim Stevens, Jack Magruder and Mark Waltz.
The Culps stopped by for a visit and a song. I love those guys.
Michelle Wegner has an artistic flair and she recently posted a video on her blog that included photographs she took with her iPhone. Dan and Lisa Vukmirovich sang as Michelle's photographs were displayed on GCC's big screens.
The honored couple, smiling at their kids.
Belle, Whitney and Maddie presented their parents with framed memorabilia and keepsakes.
You may have been there, but whether you were or weren't, you'll appreciate the genius of our planning team when you hear that we surprised Rob when we introduced John Schlitt (lead singer for the band Petra, winner of 4 Grammy awards and 10 Dove awards). John came on stage with all the energy and Rock Star moves he'd perfected across the decades.
Rob loves Petra. When he came to GCC 20 years ago he knew all the lyrics to every Petra song. Here's Rob's reaction to John's surprise appearance.
Michelle was as surprised as Rob!
Confident Rob knew the words to all of Petra's songs, John invited Rob up to sing with him.
Rob held his own, adding a bit of impromptu "air guitar" at the appropriate moment.
We blessed Rob and Michelle at the end of the party.
For 20 years Sheila and I have prayed for the Wegners. We've prayed for them and prayed for them. I invited my wife to join us on the platform and she held Michelle as we once again asked God's blessing on their lives.
On one special occasion, after HIS resurrection Jesus lifted his hands and blessed his disciples. In keeping with HIS example, we all raised our hands toward Rob and Michelle and blessed them in Jesus' Name.
What a privilege for all of us at GCC!
For 20 years we've seen Rob's fine example - a great leader who takes good care of God's Church.
1 Timothy 3:1-7 - If anyone wants to provide leadership in the church, good! But there are preconditions: A leader must be well-thought-of, committed to his wife, cool and collected, accessible, and hospitable. He must know what he's talking about, not be overfond of wine, not pushy but gentle, not thin-skinned, not money-hungry. He must handle his own affairs well, attentive to his own children and having their respect. For if someone is unable to handle his own affairs, how can he take care of God's church? He must not be a new believer, lest the position go to his head and the Devil trip him up. Outsiders must think well of him, or else the Devil will figure out a way to lure him into his trap.