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September 15, 2012


Amber Cox

Of all the people in all the world, of course YOU would run into a super-rare white bear with double recessive genes while he fished for salmon on some remote stream in Alaska. Nice work dad. Ryan and I are sitting here in awe looking through these pics again and again. Unbelievable!
Also, I can't wait to hear you pronounce the names "Gitga'at and Kitasoo/Xai'xais" in person.

Brad Miller

Who needs National Geographic when you have Papa Beeson! Thanks for the awesome pics and the story that goes along with it.

Leslie Petersen

Pastor Mark, I was captivated by this story. AMAZING Post.
Thanks for telling about your adventure like no one else could.
I truly felt like I couldn't move as I read it, and I could almost imagine being there by your pictures.
Loved It!!!!!!!
Leslie Petersen

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