The obvious truth requires one of two responses: we try to ignore it by burying our heads in the sand and covering our ears with our hands while singing, "La,la,la,la,la,la,la," or else we face it head-on. We either deal with it or we leap to an alternate universe. The leap is easier. Life in the real world is hard and we need help to live it well.
Life is difficult and you're lost if you don't learn to navigate it.
How can we know the way?
I'm offering a little help tonight.
If you want to stare reality in the face, admit some assistance with your life-journey would be nice and learn some basics of navigating the wilderness of this chaotic and dangerous world (where we control less than we imagine as we mishandle so much of the little we do control), register for Discovering GCC and meet me at the Granger campus tonight at 5:30.
Four topics will drive us tonight: Who God is, what God has done, who we are and how we live.
It's one night that could revolutionize your future, your voyage and the decisions you'll be required to make along the way.
Acts 27:10-11 - Paul warned them, “Men, I can see that our voyage is going to be disastrous and bring great loss to ship and cargo, and to our own lives also.” But they didn't listen to what Paul said.