When people let the God's word sink into their lives, like seed falling on good soil, the Bible says their lives can become 30, 60, or even 100 times more productive. It's important that God's word is available, and with Bible apps "the seed" is more accessible, to more people, than ever before.
I'm giving you a portion of the CNN Report Jessica Ravitz posted today. You can go here and read her entire post. This snippet celebrates the work of our friend Bobby Gruenewald (one of the pastors at LifeChurch.tv), and his entrepreneurial success. He's making God's word (the seed) available with the YouVersion’s Bible app.
I'm proud of Bobby. He isn't even 40 years old and he's reaching the world for Christ.
“A lot of people in the U.S. have six or seven Bibles in the house and never use them,” says Bobby Gruenewald, 36, the man behind this mobile Christian mission. “Our goal was to help people engage with the Bible.”
If numbers are any indication, mission accomplished.
The app, also available at Bible.com, has been downloaded 65 million times and counting, Gruenewald says. Users can highlight verses, do searches and read devotionals.
If they see something they want to share, enter social media tools. They can sign up for daily reading plans (9 million have subscribed to this free tool so far), earn badges of recognition for meeting goals and bookmark their virtual good books.
As of Thursday morning, a running tally on Bible.com showed that since the app’s 2008 inception, users have spent more than 31.5 billion – yes, billion – minutes using it to read the Bible.
I hope you'll register now to participate in GCC's all-church Bible Study of The Book of James. (Yes. You can use a Bible app if you want to.) We begin at the Granger Commons this Monday night at 6:30.
Come and let God's word (the seed) grow in the good soil of your life.
Mark 4:14 - The farmer plants seed by taking God’s word to others.
Whoa. That photo made my brain jump. Cool!
Posted by: Elle | October 08, 2012 at 03:59 PM