Bill Hybels leads a church that impacts the world, meets in multiple locations, feeds the hungry, serves the poor, educates the ignorant and brings justice where there is none. It's called Willow Creek. Bill's people built a place to worship - where they could invite their friends and neighbors to join them as they learn of Christ and experience the life-giving presence of God.
This is a picture of their auditorium space - where the exact same number of people can be seated on each of all three levels of the room. I took it yesterday, when I joined our GSM staff and a few dozen of our GSM students at Willow for a Youth Leadership Summit. We had the entire 5,000 seat auditorium to ourselves for a few minutes so I had the kids sit down and I took their picture.
It was an amazing experience. We sat in the place where thousands meet together with Jesus each week. It was awesome.
Psalm 63:2-3 - Here I am in the place of worship, eyes open, drinking in your strength and glory. In your generous love I am really living at last!